Accessions Economics

2024 August

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This list gives an overview of new titles. You can fill out a form if you would like to be notified by e-mail when the new acquisitions list in your field is published.


Business economics / Business Studies (ECO J)

Exploring entrepreneurship / Blundel, Richard. Lockett, Nigel,. Wang, Catherine L.,. Mawson, Suzanne -:, viii, 484 pages: illustrations ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9781529733723; 1529733723; 9781529733716; 1529733715
ECO J00 50591a

Studentenboekerij (ECO SB)

Exploring entrepreneurship / Blundel, Richard. Lockett, Nigel,. Wang, Catherine L.,. Mawson, Suzanne -:, viii, 484 pages: illustrations ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9781529733723; 1529733723; 9781529733716; 1529733715
ECO J00 50591a

Student theses (THES)

Booij, J.F.J. te
Prediction of aircraft component failure using smart feature engineered models
business analytics and operations research; business analytics; operations research
Brijder, D.C.
The impact of physical climate risks on a commercial real estate mortgage portfolio
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science; climate change
Ecker, E.H.
Mathematical models for a VRP-inspired extension of the bin packing problem
business analytics and operations research; vehicle routing problem
Leunissen, I.
The effect of socioeconomic factors, demographics and food bank specific characteristics on the attendance rates of eligible individuals for food aid at food banks in the Netherlands
Econometrics; Mathematical Economics; food banks
Odaci, B.
The impact of board diversity on firm performance: an analysis of gender, age, education, and tenure diversity in North America
strategic management; strategy and entrepreneurship
Stokebrand, B.A.
Time-varying stock-bond correlations: advanced DCC(1,1) GARCH modeling, change point detection methods and macroeconomic influences
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science; stock-bond correlation
Vink, C.
Excessief lenen: zijn aanpassingen nodig voor meer rechtsvormneutraliteit?
fiscale economie; tax economics
