Accessions Law

2024 September

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This list gives an overview of new titles. You can fill out a form if you would like to be notified by e-mail when the new acquisitions list in your field is published.


International law and European Public Law (JUR T)

Essential EU law in charts / Tobler, Christa. Beglinger, Jacques -:, 405 pages: illustrations ; 29 cm.
Companion text: "Essential EU law in text, 5th edition".
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9789632584898; 9632584899
JUR T45 TOBL 2020
International law / ed. by Evans, Malcolm D. -:, lxxxii, 940 pages ; 25 cm.
Previous edition: 2018.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9780192848642; 019284864X
JUR T10 EVAN 2024
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 1786633124; 9781786633125; 9781786633132; 1786633132
JUR T25 eBook

Constitutional law, administrative law and public administration (JUR U)

Beginselen van het Nederlandse staatsrecht / Belinfante, A. D. Reede, J. L. de ed. by Efthymiou, N. S. Lange, Roel de,. Loeffen, S. C. Munneke, S. A. J. -:, XVI, 373 pages ; 25 cm.
1st edition: Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom, 1964. - (Hand- en leerboek der bestuurswetenschappen ; 7).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9789013167078; 9013167071
JUR U10C BELI 2023
Geert Wilders: de wreker / Fennema, M.,. Waling, Geerten -:, 363 pages: illustrations ; 21 cm.
"Geert Wilders, De wreker is een uitgebreide herziening van Geert Wilders, Tovenaarsleerling (2010, herziene editie 2016)" -- Colophon.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9789044656190; 9044656198
JUR U65C FENN 2024
International energy investment law: the pursuit of stability / Cameron, Peter D.,. -:, lxxi, 780 pages ; 25 cm.
Originally published: 2010.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 729-754) and index.
ISBN: 9780198732471; 0198732473
JUR U50A CAME 2021
Plastic pollution of the world's oceans as a legal problem: does the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea entail obligations to clean-up existing plastic pollution? / Christiansen, Liv. -:, 226 pages: illustrations ; 23 cm. - Studies in international law of the sea and maritime law = Internationales Seerecht und Seehandelsrecht ; Band/vol. 15
Originally published as the author's thesis: Kiel: Universität Kiel, 2024.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9783756017232; 3756017230
JUR U50 CHRI 2024
The Routledge handbook of elections, voting behavior and public opinion / ed. by Fisher, Justin. Fieldhouse, Ed,. Franklin, Mark N.,. Gibson, Rachel Kay,. Cantijoch, Marta,. Wlezien, Christopher -:, 1 online resource (xix, 550 pages). - Routledge international handbooks
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9781317494805; 1317494806; 9781315712390; 1315712393; 1317494814; 9781317494812; 9781317494799; 1317494792
JUR U60A eBook

Tax law (JUR V)

Belastingheffing in de deeleconomie: belasting heffen van kleine ondernemers en zelfstandigen / Merkx, Madeleine. Mezouar, H. Mol-Verver, S. J. El Quardi, T. Schep, A. W.,. Zalmai, Z. -:, xi, 232 pages ; 24 cm. - Fiscale monografieën, nr. 181
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9789013170627; 9013170625
JUR VC35 MERK 2024

Criminal law, criminal procedural law and criminology (JUR W)

Access to justice for vulnerable people / ed. by Cooper, Penny,. Hunting, Linda -:, xxvi, 261 pages ; 24 cm.
"The Advocate's Gateway"--Cover.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 0854902678; 9780854902675
JUR WA50 COOP 2018
Les défis de la politique criminelle / -:, 312 pages ; 24 cm. - Archives de politique criminelle ; no 45
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9782233010537; 2233010531
JUR WA10 ARCH Bd.45 2023
Universal jurisdiction in international criminal law: the debate and the battle for hegemony / O'Sullivan, Aisling. -:, 1 online resource (xii, 222 pages). - Routledge research in international law
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9781315648507; 1315648504; 9781317301219; 1317301218; 9781317301202; 131730120X
JUR WA10 eBook

Private law (JUR X)

Gemeenschap / Mourik, M. J. A. van. Schols, F. W. J. M. -:, XIV, 142 pages ; 24 cm. - Monografieën BW ; B09
Originally published: 1982.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9789013178067; 9013178065
JUR X11C NIEU Bd.B.9 2024

Social law and labour law (JUR Y)

Workers, power and society: power resource theory in contemporary capitalism / ed. by Arnholtz, Jens,. Refslund, Bjarke -:, 1 online resource (xii, 259 pages): illustrations. - Routledge research in employment relations ; 55
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9781040030219; 1040030211; 9781003431022; 100343102X; 9781040030196; 104003019X
JUR Y60A eBook

Student theses (THES)

Bansal, A.
The interplay of facial recognition technologies and privacy: does India’s digiyatra offer the promise of privacy?
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Bax, A.J.
The quality of the objection procedure in administrative law: the perspective of the administrative body
public governance; public law and governance
Beelen, F.
Het recht op aftrek van houdstervennootschappen: in hoeverre is de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie in overeenstemming met het rechtskarakter van het Europese btw-stelsel?
fiscaal recht; tax law
Beest, S.W.A. te
Voorlopige hechtenis op grond van de geschokte rechtsorde: is de rechtspraktijk toe aan een toetsingskader?
rechtsgeleerdheid; strafrecht; criminal law
Berg, J. van den
Making yourself heard in a male dominated world: a qualitative analysis of womens experiences in local politics in Noord-Brabant
public governance; public law and governance
Clonie Mac Lennan, C.D.R. de
Developing Dynamic Capabilities for Digital Transformation: a Multiple-Case Study in Procurement Organizations
strategic management; strategy and entrepreneurship
Daniëls, L.W.J.
Financing instruments in Dutch primary schools: the effect on quality of education
public governance; public law and governance
Evrensel, K.
Pulling back the curtain on AI-generated images’ training data
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Gerwen, L.J. van
CSR and CFP among European public companies: the moderating role of the region of HQ and industry membership
strategic management; strategy and entrepreneurship
Gigante Godinho da Silva, M.
The ball is in your court: opportunities and challenges of reversing the burden of proof for artistic use of trademarks to achieve a fair balance between artistic freedom, trademark rights, and consumer rights in the metaverse context
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Grin, A.N.
Analysing the efficiency of ViDA proposal's Article Two: a comprehensive assessment of challenges, implementation prospects and proposal for reforms
international business taxation; tax law
Holičková, N.
Evidence in discourse: a critical analysis of discourse and evidence in the Dutch cannabis policy
public governance; public law and governance
Hooijdonk, J.P.A. van
Legal certainty in independent tax-reporting systems and tax avoidance
international business taxation; tax law
Houska, K.
Free will as an element in determining the taxable supply: research question: to what extent does the willingness of the parties to the transaction influence the treatment of the supply with VAT and how does this treatment impact taxpayers' rights?
international business taxation; tax law
Jalas, I.K.
A hold-out on technological innovation?: an analysis of SEP-based innovation through the lens of sector-specific regulation and antitrust law in the EU
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Kiadii, A.P.B.
The role of international law in the BDS struggle for the decolonization of Palestine
international and European law; international law and global governance; public law and governance
Koenraad, T.T.C.
Factors contributing to effectiveness of citizenInitiated neighborhood heat transition projects: a multiple case study analysis of citizen participation in heat transition projects in Dutch neighborhoods
public governance; public law and governance
Loo, J.M. van de
Navigating the tightrope: examining the practical interplay of public security, data protection and privacy in the proposed regulation against child sexual abuse
recht, tecnologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Martis, N.A.
Fiscal federalism in the Netherlands: a comparative analysis: a comparative analysis of fiscal federalism systems in relation to countries with and without federalization
international business taxation; tax law
Papadaki, E.
Patents through human-AI collaboration: co-inventorship rights to AI?
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Pijs, H.A.H.D.
Strengthening citizen climate change awareness in Africa: unveiling the power of citizen trust in governance
public governance; public law and governance
Rijken, C.B.
Strafrechtelijke zorgplicht tegen cybercrime: fabel of feit juridisch dogmatisch onderzoek naar de mogelijke strafrechtelijke zorgplicht van artikel 54a Wetboek van Strafrecht
rechtsgeleerdheid; strafrecht; criminal law
Rocha Oliveira, J.P.
Taxation in transition: bridging the gap between Brazil’s new indirect tax system and the EU VAT framework
international business taxation; tax law
Romijn, M.Y.
Bescherming van de ‘zwakke’ online consument in een snel digitaliserende samenleving
rechtsgeleerdheid; private, business and labour law
Sarkar, T.
Legitimacy of self-regulating hate speech: a study of Facebook in India
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Schaap, P.P.
Constitutionalisme van zorg, de capabilities approach en de bescherming van sociale grondrechten in Nederland: een verkennend juridisch onderzoek
rechtsgeleerdheid; publiekrecht; public law and governance
Stoler, M.
The dilemmas of deep learning devices for breast cancer detection and diagnosis to accomplish with articles 13 and 15 of the AI Act Proposal
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Tchitembo, E.K.A.
Voorbij het graf: necrofilie, een braakliggend terrein: een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar de zelfstandige strafbaarstelling van necrofilie in Nederland
rechtsgeleerdheid; strafrecht; criminal law
Uijlenbroek, F.
Een nieuwe resocialisatiepositie voor gedetineerden die hun crimineel handelen voortzetten tijdens detentie?: de resocialisatiepositie van gedetineerden waarbij een vermoeden bestaat dat zij hun crimineel handelen voortzetten tijdens detentie in het licht van de voorgestelde wijziging van de Penit…
rechtsgeleerdheid; strafrecht; criminal law
Van der Haegen, J.
Regulating innovation in the EU: the digital markets act
international and European law; European law and global risk; public law and governance
Vũ, T.H.
The dilemma of transparency in artificial intelligence: the case of automated decision-making in insurance pricing
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
Werdt, E.M.A. de
De burger centraal: juridische gevolgen van een schending van het dienstbaarheidsbeginsel in de Awb
publiekrecht; bestuurskunde; public law and governance
Widarto, D.
A critical analysis of the impact of Pillar Two on the effectiveness of the Dutch innovation box
international business taxation; tax law
Zambrano Contreras, E.P.
Mining data, minding rights: an analysis of generative AI training, authors’ economic rights and creation incentives under the DSM Directive
recht, technologie en samenleving; law, technology and society; law and technology
