Accessions Theology and religious studies

2024 December

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This list gives an overview of new titles. You can fill out a form if you would like to be notified by e-mail when the new acquisitions list in your field is published.


Source material (TFL C)

Commentaires sur les Psaumes / Hilary. ed. by Doignon, Jean -:, 330 pages ; 20 cm. - Sources chrétiennes ; N° 643
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 2204161691; 9782204161695
TFL C SC 643
Sermons sur l'Écriture / Caesarius. ed. by Morin, Germain -:, 703 pages ; 20 cm. - Sources chrétiennes ; N° 645
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9782204157520; 220415752X
TFL C SC 645

Theology and religious studies in general (TFL F)

Change and its discontents: religious organizations and religious life in central and eastern Europe / ed. by Breskai︠a︡, Olʹga,. Zrinščak, Siniša, -:, xiv, 334 pages: charts; 24 cm. - Annual review of the sociology of religion ; volume 15
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9004713794; 9789004713796
TFL F 04 0103/15

Church history and history of theology (TFL K)

A history of Christianity / Chadwick, Owen. -:, 304 pages: illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
"First published in Great Britain by George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd."--Title page verso.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 294-295) and index.
ISBN: 9780312187231; 0312187238
TFL K 01 0054
Pius almanak: jaarboek Katholiek Nederland 2025 / ed. by Willems, Gusta -:, xiv, 384 pages: illustrations, one map ; 25 cm. - Pius almanak: jaarboek Katholiek Nederland ; jaargang 137
Includes indexes.
ISBN: 9789493279865; 9493279863
TFL K 03.1 0060/2025
The medieval clergy, 800-1250: a sourcebook / Ott, John S.,. Jones, Anna Trumbore -:, xxi, 511 pages: illustrations, map ; 23 cm. - Mediaeval sources in translation ; 63
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9780888443137; 0888443137
TFL K 02.1 0178
Wörterbuch Kirchen-Geschichte / Denzler, Georg. Andresen, Carl -:, 664 pages ; 21 cm.
Includes index.
ISBN: 3937715231; 9783937715230
TFL K 01 0053
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN: 9791281553286; 9783830682486; 3830682484
TFL K 02.1 0177

systematic theology (TFL L)

Het mysterie van God: waarom werd God mens?: Cur Deus homo? & Ondenkbaar dat Hij niet bestaat: Proslogion / Anselm of Canterbury. Anselm of Canterbury. Anselm of Canterbury ed. by Verbaal, Wim -:, 179 pages ; 24 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9789463404297; 9463404295
TFL L 02 ANSE 0001

Practical theology (TFL N)

Children's voices: children's perspectives in ethics, theology and religious education / ed. by Dillen, Annemie,. Pollefeyt, Didier - Leuven: Peeters, 2010. ix, 450 pages ; 25 cm. - Bibliotheca Ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium ; 230
International conference proceedings.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9789042922471; 9042922478
TFL N 04 0054
'Het werk van Uw handen': over lichaam, schepping en liturgie / ed. by Dassonneville, Birger,. Van Belle, Dieter -:, 154 pages ; 24 cm. - Cahiers voor praktische theologie ; 30
Congres: 68ste Liturgisch Congres, november 2023.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9789085287285; 9085287286
TFL N 03 0261
Theology made in dignity: on the precarious role of theology in religious education / Roebben, Bert. - Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2016. vi, 147 pages ; 23 cm. - Louvain theological & pastoral monographs ; 44
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9042934166; 9789042934160
TFL N 04 0055

Liturgical studies (TFL P)

De parochie als spiritueel labo: zestig jaar Universitaire Parochie, KU Leuven / ed. by Haers, Jacques,. Steegen, M. Asselbergh, Cindy van -:, 199 pages ; 24 cm. - Cahiers voor praktische theologie ; 29
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN: 9789085287100; 9085287103
TFL P 01 0254
Directorium voor de Nederlandse Kerkprovincie. / -:, 160 pages ; 19 cm. - Directorium voor de Nederlandse Kerkprovincie. Kalender voor het liturgisch jaar ; 2024/2025
"Imprimatur: mgr. dr. J. van den Hende, (…), Rotterdam, 6 augustus 2024" -- Title page verso.
TFL P 02 0001 2024/25

Books in closed stacks (CBM)

Jahrbuch für Antike und Christendum Jahrgang 66 (2023). / -:, 142 pages, 11 leaves of plates: illustrations ; 28 cm. - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum ; Jahrgang 66 (2023)
Includes bibliographical references
ISBN: 9783402107300; 3402107309
CBM TF 09119 2023/66

Foo (CBM TF ([A-D]))

Evangelisch predigen: systematisch-theologische, homiletische und kirchenrechtliche Perspektiven auf die gemeinsame Erklärung von EKD und VEF zur Predigtgemeinschaft / ed. by Bosse-Huber, Petra,. Langpape, Wolfram -:, 68 pages ; 22 cm. - Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau ; Nr. 144
ISBN: 9783374077670; 3374077676
CBM TF B 59248
In the garden there was a new tomb: the structural unity of John 19:38-20:29: a historical-literary-theological approach / Creevey, Paul. -:, 430 pages: some illustrations ; 24 cm. - Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament ; volume 182
Originally published as the author's thesis: Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, [2023].
Includes bibliographical references and sources (pages 399-424) and indexes.
ISBN: 9783525501993; 3525501994
CBM TF B 59253
Kenmerken van het eucharistisch gebed: voor catechese en overweging / -:, 240 pages ; 19 cm. - Reeks Liturgische Handreiking ; deel 4
Includes bibliographical references.
CBM TF A 43005
Kirche - Eucharistie - Gewissen: eine katholische Orientierung im ökumenischen Horizont / ed. by Freitag, Josef,. Söding, Thomas,. Thönissen, Wolfgang -:, 296 pages ; 22 cm. - Quaestiones disputatae ; 340
ISBN: 9783451024405; 3451024403
CBM TF B 59254
Portrait eines Jesuiten: Johann Adam Schall von Bell / Collani, Claudia von -:, 178 pages: illustrations (partly color) ; 24 cm. - Studia Instituti Missiologici Societatis Verbi Divini ; Nr. 123
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 9783877105627; 3877105629
CBM TF B 59250
Q11:9-13: the certainty of the answer to prayer / Klampfl, Thomas. -:, xxxiii, 372, [2] pages: charts ; 24 cm. - Documenta Q: Reconstructions of Q through two centuries of gospel research excerpted, sorted, and evaluated.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-372) and index.
ISBN: 9042952385; 9789042952386
CBM TF B 59249
Religiöse Dynamik zwischen 1380 und 1520: Antriebskräfte der Mentalität, Frömmigkeit, Theologie, Bildkultur und Kirchenreform / Hamm, Berndt. -:, xxii, 591 pages, 49 unnumbered leaves of plates: illustrations (partly color) ; 24 cm. - Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation ; 140
Includes bibliographical references (pages 515-556) and indexes.
ISBN: 3161637348; 9783161637346
CBM TF B 59251
Sabbatical journey: the diary of his final year / Nouwen, Henri J. M.,. -:, xii, 226 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN: 0824517083; 9780824517083; 0824518780; 9780824518783
CBM TF B 59252
