Student theses (THES)
Abasina, B.
Analysing text representations and classifiers for predicting the economic political leanings of Reddit users
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Abdelrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Aref Shehata
Exploring SVMs for state-of-the-art MRI brain tumor classification: image enhancement and transformation approaches
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Akbas, E.
Echoes of meaning: investigating how speech sounds influence perceived traits
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Al-Robayi, M.
Analysing the causes of severe road accidents in the Netherlands
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Alacalar, B.
Predicting gender stereotypes with distributional semantics: a multilingual comparison
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Ancel, S.
Comparing memory retention of vocabulary: cave-based language game vs. traditional method
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Arcelli, E.
Form-meaning systematicity under referential uncertainty: a machine learning approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Averkiadis, H.
Spatio-temporal analysis using RNNs and Semivariogram for forecasting global major earthquakes
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Avramescu, S.-M.
The mediating effect of communication patterns on the link between attachment styles and emotion regulation strategies in romantic relationships
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Baaijens, T.
Connected by characteristics: harnessing firm similarities with graph neural networks for superior stock predictions
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bagherzadehgarakani, R.
European work-life equilibrium: a predictive analysis using advanced machine learning techniques
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Barcala Paolillo, A.L.
Predicting the NBA All-Star roster through machine learning: revealing hidden bias in NBA All-Star picks
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Baten, H.S.
Explainable AI explained: a study using online payment fraud data
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bayraktaroglu, B.S.
Fish species classification from underwater images
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Bens, J.
Evaluating machine learning methods for predicting entrepreneurship using entrepreneurial and personality traits data
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Berende, P.
Robust phishing detection models: the trade-off between accuracy, complexity, and robustness
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bermudez Arias, D.F.
Comparative study of decision tree-based and neural networks approaches on tabular data: predicting student performance on the Colombian Saber Pro test
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bi, H.
Sentiment analysis of Spotify users reviews via natural language processing
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bijen, L.
Predicting life satisfaction of the Dutch population: a supervised machine learning approach: the impact of model complexity and health conditions
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bollici, G.
Enhancing human-computer interaction: leveraging miscommunication detection in chatbot dialogues for conversation breakdown
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Boogaard, J. van den
Classifying events in Virtual Reality: a Human Activity Recognition approach to event segmentation using head gaze in VR
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bosch, M.
Teaching emotion recognition with social robots: improving emotion recognition of intellectually disabled individuals using a robotic learning assistant
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Bouwhuis, N.
Prevention is better than cure: prediction violent crime in U.S. counties using machine-learning methods: a comparative study
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Brenner, P.
Enhancing customer satisfaction prediction in Amazon products: a comparative study between lexicon-based and machine learning approaches to sentiment analysis
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Breznik, Z.
Mining site detection from satellite images: comparative analysis of CNN and VIT models
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Brusik, F.
Predicting lap times in Formula 1 race using deep learning algorithms: a comparison of univariate and multivariate time series models
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Bueger, A.J. de
Textual analysis of corporate annual reports: a comparative study of machine learning and deep learning approaches for predicting ESG scores: exploring algorithm-vectorizer combinations and vectorizer strategies
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Busch, S.H.
The relationship between individualism and emotional intelligence and association between emotional intelligence and attitudes towards artificial intelligence
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Campo de Anitua, J. Del
Predicting user’s age cohort from Madrid’s 2019 bike-sharing data: an explainable machine learning approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Cao, K.
Forecast housing prices and mitigate spatial segregation in the Netherlands using machine learning
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Carnevalle Maffè, C.J.
Absolute pitch memory in language and music: a comparative investigation between musicians, non-musicians, and infants
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Ceccato, C.
Exploring emotions through BCI-generated music
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Chang, L.Y.
Predicting individual’s fertility intentions in the Netherlands: utilizing Dummy Classifier, Naive Bayes, XGBoost and Random Forest
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Chatziladas, R.
Predicting hotel bookings demand and cancellations using machine learning and comparison of feature importance
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Chenuil, M.
Bayesian machine learning for reliability analysis of road infrastructure
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Cheptine Smith, N.
Exploration of few-shot learning for artist-based fine art classification
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Chow, Y.
Predicting cardiovascular disease: comparing different machine learning methods
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Ciubotaru, A.
Predicting the usability satisfaction on the practical ease of medicinal drug use
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Cleijsen, B.
Forecasting the number of meals ordered using Linear Regression, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Cristescu, R.A.
The relation between motion sickness and movement methods in VR
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Cusi, F.
Advancing hate speech detection in online communication: a comprehensive analysis of NLP models and techniques
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Cuturic, E.
Eyes and empathy: a machine learning approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Dau, E.G.
Evaluating the impact of preprocessing pipelines on EEG-based machine learning models for MDD classification
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Dekkers, R.
Improving stance detection on specialized news topics by using context: a case about climate change articles
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Diesch, B.
The effectiveness of the Big Bird transformer in text classification using support vector machines
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Doe, J. van der
Predicting review helpfulness: looking beyond the text: a multi-modal approach with a fine-tuned BERT model and EfficientNetV2L
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Donker, E.
Exploring the impact of virtual reality on language learning: a comparative study of VR-based methods and traditional methods
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Doualibi, R.
Predicting the country of origin of European Union individuals based on moral judgements concerning artificial intelligence
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Doukas, T.
Predicting anxiety sensitivity during blood donation using facial action unit activation
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Drafat, K.
Improving image captioning with transformer embeddings: a novel hybrid approach combining CNN-LSTM with BERT or GPT for enhanced accuracy and contextual understanding
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
El Addouti, I.
Enhancing solar energy forecasting with transfer learning: a cross-location approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Erdem, O.
Cross-platform performance of machine learning models on Reddit and Twitter
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Erp, M. van
The power of reviews and ratings: predicting product popularity
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Erp, T. van
Exploring classification, regression, sampling methods and feature importance: in the prediction of working hours
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Fer, D.
Predicting Premier League player market value using machine learning: evaluating the influence of nationality, biological traits, and match events on market value
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Fidrmuc, D.
Brexit’s impact on labour migration dynamics in the UK
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Franken, F.
Distinguishing between real and AI-generated human faces using state-of-the-art image classification models: a comparative study of ResNet and Vision Transformer architectures
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Frenken, G.
Game set: predicting time until a stock is lost in Super Smash Brothers Melee using a deep learning model
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Fudorová, S.
Predicting highway rail grade crossing crash severity using convolutional neural networks
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Gabr, S.
Steering towards precision: predicting maritime voyage duration with machine and deep learning
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Gao, X.
Machine learning and deep learning for Ethereum fraud detection: a comparative analysis of LGMB and MLP
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Genev, S.V.
Classification of anuran species using high efficiency CNNs
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Gerdes, S.
Predicting the risk of autocratization based on electoral violence: comparing state-of-the-art probabilistic forecasting methods
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Govers, F.
Transcripts are not all you need: exploring the efficacy of machine learning in predicting product usage from sales call dialogues
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Göbbels, D.
Closing the door for open innovation: the impact of foreign direct investment restrictions on innovation cluster performance
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Graauw, L. de
What brings satisfaction in life?: an interpretable machine learning approach to predicting subjective quality of life among Dutch citizens
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Güven, E.
A comparative analysis of autoencoders for credit card fraud detection
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Haar, F. ter
Predicting Dutch traffic congestion intensity using Random Forest, XGBoost and LightGBM Regressor
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Habirovs, M.
Enhancing the performance of skin cancer classification with GAN augmented medical imaging datasets
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Hagedorn, L.J.
Automated classification of social behaviors of primates in natural environments: a exploration of distinct deep learning architectures and modalities
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Harpal, A.
Comparing spatiotemporal dynamics in infants and adults EEF data: a machine learning approach using multivariate patterns analysis
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Hatipoglu, I.
Deciphering anxiety: the predictive power of brain oscillations in DMT psychoactive states
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Hernández Ramos, I.
Exploring age-related sensitivity to the uncanny valley in virtual animals
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Hoitsma, F.R.
Axial distance prediction as pretraining for lung nodule segmentation
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Hooser, A.
A machine learning approach for the prediction of mind wandering frequency
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Iotti, A.
Towards a ERP-based integrated assistive brain-computer interface
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Janse, L.P.
I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it: the indirect relationship between Instagram usage and buying behavior
communication and cognition
Janssen, E.A.
The effect of virtual reality on memory retention using an avatar
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Janssen, J.
Comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms for fake news detection
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kaleta-Słyk, J.
Comparative analysis of machine and deep learning architectures for optical character recognition of handwritten Polish text
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kamp, C.A.
Knowledge distillation applied to image emotion recognition models: an application and visualization of various methods
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kapusi, K.B.
Language and music processing from the perspective of the retrieval-integration theory: an rERP analysis
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kavadias, A.
Effect of music training on short-term memory
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kessel, J. van
Exploring the frontier of collaborative intelligence: multi-agent large language models in company problem-solving
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Khabbaz, F.
Deep learning-based semantic segmentation techniques for the car learning to act dataset
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Klarić, I.
Cut them out: machine learning-based classification of L1 and L2 readers from a reading segmentation task
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Klinkenberg, C.B.S.
Advanced predictive modeling for Glacier Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs): a case study of Suicide Basin: a comparative study between univariate time-series forecasting and multivariate time-series forcasting with Monte Carlo simulations for the task of GLOF prediction of Suicide Basin in Juneau, Alas…
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kluijtmans, F.
Leveraging machine learning techniques for predicting revenue: a case study of Company X
cognitive science and artificial intelligence; data science and society
Kortenhof, I. van
AI or human: text classification using machine learning approaches to determine presence of AI generated content
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kovačić, N.
The effect of environmental sounds on visual attention performance
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kramer, C.
Enhancing breast cancer diagnosis through advanced machine learning techniques: an analysis of the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kubrak, T.
Automated detection of glaucoma and diagnostic features for JustRAIGS challenge
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kukielka, R.
Comparative analysis of convolutional neural network architectures for diabetic retinopathy detection
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Kwon, T.Y.
Stacking a model: leveraging a vision transformer and CNNs for an accurate tuberculosis classification
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Lara Rodriguez, B.
Cataract surgical instrument detection based on YOLOv8
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Lindberg, D.T.
EEG data augmentations for sleep stage scoring using self-supervised contrastive representation learning
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Lupaşcu, I.
Comparing machine learning models in university admission prediction and applying explainable a methods
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Mali, A.N.
Beyond machines: the impact of interactivity on trust and purchase intentions while comparing human and artificial recommenders
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Mans, T.
Chat GPT wrote this thesis: exploring what factors influence students to use various usages of Chat GPT
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Marogna, F.L.
Using diffusion models to simulate fluorodeoxyglucose uptake and generate pseudo-scans from computed tomography scans
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Mattheijssen, O.
Exploring cognitive recovery: assessing virtual reality therapy versus traditional therapy approaches
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Mezeklieva, R.
Does wordform similarity really increase with semantic similarity?: a replication and extension of a computational lexical analysis
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Mirshahi, A.
How effectively can awe and the Overview Effect be elicited in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) and what are the resulting impacts of such experiences on one’s self-size perception?
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Modic Sila, G.
Cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease based on volumetric brain data: a machine learning approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Mollee, N.
Beyond the obvious: detecting irony in Dutch news headlines
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Moraru, T.
Predicting music preference: a personality-based machine learning approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Morera, G.
A modern approach to Procedural Content Generation via Latent Variable Evolution: A * is really old school
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Nguyên, A.
Leveraging transfer learning on Vision Transformer for classification of brain tumors with MRI images
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Noorland, S.
The effect of colored background noise on visual attention
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Nuland, D. van
Exploring resistance to persuasion in farmers’ protests: examining the impact of the level of need for cognition and message-sidedness on resistance to persuasion
communication and cognition; communication and information sciences; corporate communication and digital media
Ooms, T.E.C.
Reducing computational cost for citrus fruit disease classification using EfficientNet-B3
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Oprins, C.A.
The impact of social networks on riot behavior through an agent-based modeling lens
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Opzeeland, J. van
Comparison of CNN classifiers for individual Delphinidae dorsal fin identification
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Parapanov, Z.
Developing multimodal deep learning framework models for the diagnosis and analysis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using physiological data
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Pavlik, M.
Train schedule optimization with machine learning
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Păcălău, O.
Identifying emerging predictors for tobacco use: a machine learning analysis of the adult psychiatric morbidity survey
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Pekkan, B.
To what extent does bilingualism affect native listening?
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Pramatyajati, P.
Emotional recognition using AutoML: an investigation of automated machine learning performance against novel convolutional neural networks in facial emotion recognition
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Prinsen, J.
Exploring multifractality in motor imagery: a longitudinal comparison of linear and non-linear metrics in brain-computer interfaces
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Pruss, E.
Interpersonal synchrony and musical feedback: an exploration of real-time effects
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Rana Mora, A.
Deep learning-based prediction of multiple ocular disease s using CLAHE enhancement
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Sanmartin de Miranda, N.
Linguistic features as predictors of text difficulty
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Siedlecka, A.
Automated segmentation of bone lesions in computed tomography imaging using deep learning models
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Sillekens, L.
Temporal dynamics of leisure and technology on life satisfaction: a longitudinal data approach
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Simonetti, L.
The locus of control and neuroticism in students: do students feel worse when they think they are not in control?
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Snoep, Y.
Absolute pitch memory in language and music: tonal language speakers
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Soeng, S.
High-quality prediction intervals for deep learning based solar photovoltaic power forecasting
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Stabel, J.
Estimating event-related potentials with large language models
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Stefanou, V.M.-E.Z.
Captivating stories: the interplay of textual valence, mindless reading and personal connections
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Stirbu, A.-A.
Mind wandering in second language reading: the influence of reading language and text difficulty on mind wandering frequency and text comprehension
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Stone, H.
Diagnostic dementia biomarker identification through distributed gene embeddings
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Šego, P.
Machine learning approach to estimating the level of ego dissolution
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Talu, T.
Early detection saves life: comparative evaluation of traditional Convolutional Neural Network model and the Vision Transformer model: a deep learning approach to classify dementia stages
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Tarnowski, J.M.
Exploring emoji interpretations - whether it can support text readability and support breaking the language barrier
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Trdlicová, J.
Implication of VR induced empathy on human flourishing
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Tummers, M.
Fall detection using machine learning: finding the optimal positions for wearable inertial sensors
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Urbanc, A.
Analyzing the effect of audio on a user's perception of immersion in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Vlad, I.M.
A comparison of machine learning models trained on Reddit data for integration into a Chrome extension: automatic substance abuse detection
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Vlies, H. van der
The influence of colored backgrounds on reading efficiency and comfort: among university students with and without learning disabilities and ADHD
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Vrielink, I.
Paralinguistic feature extraction for audio deepfake detection methods
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Vrins, A.
Neurowizard: ADHD and the effect of gamification on brain-computer interface performance
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Waal, J
You shall know a pseudoword by the company it keeps: an investigation into how valence and context shape pseudoword interpretation using BERT
cognitive science and artificial intelligence
Zhang, J.
A machine learning approach for predicting semantic classification of emojis
cognitive science and artificial intelligence